Analysis of Chapter Book Chemistry Class XI SMA/MA on Reaction Rate Material Based on Science Literacy Content

Riri Oktatriani Putri, Eka Yusmaita

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The independent curriculum targets to strengthen learners' literacy in each subject. The implementation of the independent curriculum is contained in the main textbooks that must be used in education units.The purpose of this study is to describe the balance of science literacy content presented in the chemistry textbook class XI SMA/MA independent curriculum which is designated as the main textbook on reaction rate material based on science literacy content so that it will be known whether the main textbook has represented the objectives of the independent curriculum. The research method used is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The results showed that the four categories of science literacy have been presented, however, it has not shown a balanced proportion between the four categories of science literacy.  The percentage of occurrence of the four categories of science literacy, namely science knowledge by 53.85%; investigation of the nature of science by 35.39%; science as a way of thinking by 9.23%; and the interaction of science, technology and society by 1.54% with a ratio of 35:23:6:1. The data illustrates that the main textbook has not represented the objectives of the independent curriculum well.


Analysis, Chapter Book, Scientific Literacy, Reaction Rate

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