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Author Guidelines

EKJ using Vancouver (superscripts, brackets, only year in date) style of writing citations and bibliography. Instructions for writing citations and bibliography please visit the following link: Vancouver (superscripts, brackets, only year in date) and Vancouver (superscripts, brackets, only year in date) reference generator. But for your convenience, we strongly suggest to use Mendeley software to help you referencing and citing works.

Aside from bibliography style that we stated above, we also need to remind you, that you need to fulfill following items on your submission: 1) Using at least 15 references; 2) related with our focus and scope; and 3) Result from plagiarism checker (Turnitin) is less than or equal to 25 percent.

Manuscript Assessment Process
Any accepted manuscript will be reviewed by at least two reviewers, plus editorial comments. The author is required to revise the manuscript according to reviewer comments and editors. Editor team will process it for later publication. For peer review process diagrams please go to Peer Review Process page.

Please use our template to help you format your manuscript in the EKJ, please go to the Manuscript Template page. We have created temporary guidelines to help author understand submission process into Edukimia journal website.

For submission process, please refer into this page for more information.

For manuscript writing guide, please refer to this Edukimia Quick Guide: How to Write Manuscript for Edukimia Journal.

Also to ease the submission process, we have decided to divide our Focus and Scope into two main section which is:

  • Media and Technology in Education, which include:
    • Ethnopedagogy-based STEM Education
    • Collaborative and Interactive Learning
    • Tools for 21st Century learning
    • Pedagogy Enhancement with E-Learning
    • Web-based tools for education


Copyright Notice


  • The copyright of received article shall be assigned to Edukimia as the publisher of the journal. The intended copyright includes the right to publish the article in various forms (including reprints). Edukimia maintains the publishing rights to the published articles.
  • Authors are permitted to disseminate the published article by sharing the link/DOI of the article at the journal. Authors are allowed to use their articles for any legal purposes deemed necessary without written permission from Edukimia with an acknowledgement of initial publication to this journal.


Creative Commons License

Any materials in this website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Edukimia applied CC Attribution 4.0 which means you could:

  1. Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
  2. Adapt — remix, transform, and bu


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


Author Fees

This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Publication: 500000.00 (IDR)
If this paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to pay an Article Publication Fee to cover publications costs.

If you do not have funds to pay such fees, you will have an opportunity to waive each fee. We do not want fees to prevent the publication of worthy work.