Focus and Scope
Edukimia is an academic journal that published all the studies in the chemistry education areas which related to education, learning, teaching, curriculum development, teacher education, educational technology, educational developments from various types of research such as surveys, research & development, experimental research, classroom action research, etc. The journal covers all the educational research at the level of primary, secondary, and higher education.
The goal of this journal is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on educational advancements and establishing new collaborations in these areas. Original research papers, state-of-the-art reviews are invited for publication in all areas of Education as long as it's related with chemistry education.
Topics of Interest include, but are not limited to, the following
- Ethnopedagogy-based STEM Education
- Collaborative and Interactive Learning
- Tools for 21st Century learning
- Pedagogy Enhancement with E-Learning
- Web-based tools for education
- Games and simulations in Education
- Professional Development for teachers in ICT
- Technology Support for Pervasive Learning
- Interaction in Education
- Mobile or ubiquitous computing in education
- Learning or Teaching Methodologies and Assessment
- Global Issues in Education and Research
- Educating the educators
- Teacher Evaluation
- Curriculum
- Lesson Study
- Chemistry Literacy
It's worth to note that all of mentioned topics above were related with chemistry education. If the manuscript doesn't related with the chemistry, than the manuscript will be automatically declined from the beginning.
Section Policies
Assessment, and Learning Evaluation
- Assessment, and Learning Evaluation, which include:
- Learning or Teaching Methodologies and Assessment
- Teacher Evaluation
- Faizah Qurrata Aini, S.Pd., M.Pd
- Prof. R. Ahmad Zaky El Islami, M.Pd
- Bambang Sumintono, Ph.D
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Curriculum, Learning or Teaching Models, and Article Review
- Curriculum, Learning or Teaching Models, and Article Review, which include:
- Global Issues in Education and Research
- Educating the educators
- Curriculum
- Lesson Study
- Chemistry Literacy
- Faizah Qurrata Aini, S.Pd., M.Pd
- Prof. R. Ahmad Zaky El Islami, M.Pd
- Ifan Rivaldo, S.Pd., M.Pd
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Media and Technology in Education
- Media and Technology in Education, which include:
- Ethnopedagogy-based STEM Education
- Collaborative and Interactive Learning
- Tools for 21st Century learning
- Pedagogy Enhancement with E-Learning
- Web-based tools for education
- Games and simulations in Education
- Professional Development for teachers in ICT
- Technology Support for Pervasive Learning
- Interaction in Education
- Mobile or ubiquitous computing in education
- Ifan Rivaldo, S.Pd., M.Pd
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Editors- Faizah Qurrata Aini, S.Pd., M.Pd
- Prof. R. Ahmad Zaky El Islami, M.Pd
- Syukrya Ningsih, M.Si
- Margarita Claudya Maida, S.Pd., M.Si
- Ifan Rivaldo, S.Pd., M.Pd
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Editorial Information
Editors- Eka Yusmaita
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Peer Review Process
In this area, we will explain the Peer-Review Process, Submission Process, and steps toward Publication in Edukimia. In general, there are 8 (eight) steps that authors need to pass to publish their manuscripts in Edukimia.
- Beginning of Submission
- First, the author(s) need to submit their manuscript through Edukimia official website.
- Editor then will do initial screening based on: Focus and Scope, Manuscript Template, Citation Style, Writing Style, and Turnitin for Plagiarism screening.
- Double-Blind
- Then, if the manuscript passed this initial screening, the editor will blind the manuscript from any identity regarding author(s) that could be included in the documents. This will ensure that our assigned reviewers later on will have an unbiased review regarding your manuscript.
- The manuscript then will be assigned to (at least) two reviewers.
- Review Stage
- In this stage, the manuscript will be reviewed by reviewers, for at least two weeks prior to assignment date.
- Review Result
- After reviewers submit their review result, the editor then will gather any result, whether in digital format, non-digital format, or from any forms assigned to them.
- This result then will be blind again from any identity regarding the reviewer(s) that could be included in the documents.
- The collected information then will be delivered to the author(s).
- Revision by Authors
- Next, the author(s) will be given some time to revise their manuscript based on the review result.
- If the revision is done, the author could submit their revision through the same submission ID.
- Content Check by Editor
- Editor then will check the revision, based on the substance, revised contents, writing, and plagiarism screening.
- These results then will be informed again to the author(s), whether there is any need to do revision again, or not.
- If needed, the author(s) then will be asked to do revision toward his/her ongoing submission.
- If not, the author(s) then will be asked for confirmation, whether they are willing to publish their ongoing submission in Edukimia.
- Copyediting
- If confirmed, the editor then will send an invoice for publication fee payment.
- Author(s) then will be needed to pay their publication fee.
- After the author(s) paid their invoice, a receipt will be delivered too.
- The Copyediting and proofreading process then will start.
- Publication
- After the manuscript is finished, it will be published and disseminated through Edukimia official website, indexing websites, and official social media accounts of Edukimia.
- The author(s) also will be notified regarding their published articles.
Publication Frequency
Edukimia published 3 issues per year (on March, July, and November).
Open Access Policy
- Edukimia applied Open Access policy toward each published article, which means that all contents are freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution.
- All the published articles will be immediately available and permanently free for everyone to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author.
About Edukimia Journal
Edukimia ISSN 2502-6399 (online) is a scientific and a peer-reviewed journal published by Universitas Negeri Padang. Edukimia founded on 2015 and acquired it's e-ISSN on the same year.
Journal Scientific Statement
The articles published in Edukimia are scientifically proved following the code of ethics of scientific publication. The code of ethics itself upholds two values of ethics in publications, namely, (1) Neutrality (free from conflicts of interest in public management), and (2) Honesty (free from duplication, fabrication, falsification and plagiarism (DF2P) in the publication. The articles published also follow the certain procedures or orders, such as double blind review and revision process that consistent with the journal’s regular review, to ensure that the quality is maintained properly.