Pengembangan Permainan Ludo Kimia Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Pada Materi Bentuk Molekul Kelas X SMA atau MA

Nadila Sri Yolanda, Iswendi Iswendi

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Chemistry Ludo is one of the game based learning media as a variety of students exercises to stabilize their concepts in Molecular Geometry material. The purpose of this study is to produce Chemistry Ludo as a learning medium for Molecular Geometry material and to determine its validity and practicality level based on media functions and characteristics of practical media. The type of this research is Research and Development using 4-D (Four D) models, namely (1) define, (2) design, (3) develop, and (4) disseminate. This learning medium was validated by two lecturers majoring in Chemistry at FMIPA UNP and two Chemistry teachers at SMAN 2 Pariaman. Determining the level of practicality was obtained from two Chemistry teachers and 34 students of XI IPA 2 class at SMAN 2 Pariaman. The instruments used in this research were the validation and practicality questionnaires. The technique of data collection was questionnaires. In analyzing the data, the researcher used Cohen Kappa moment formula. The results of analysis showed that Chemistry Ludo as a learning media in the Molecular Geometry material has a validity level of 0.82 with a Very High category and the practical values of teachers and students are 0.96 and 0.86 with a very high category. This data showed that the development of Chemistry Ludo can be used as a learning medium in Molecular Geometry material.


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