Events: Accompaniment of Edukimia Journal, Regarding DOAJ Indexing Plan

Greeting from Head of Chemistry Department of Universitas Negeri Padang.
Greeting from Head of Chemistry Department of Universitas Negeri Padang.

On Sunday, 26 September 2021, Edukimia held an event, entitled Pendampingan Jurnal Edukimia dalam Rangka Submit DOAJ (Accompaniment of Edukimia Journal, Regarding DOAJ Indexing Plan (literal translation)). The event was attended by a DOAJ Ambassador, all of Editorial Team of Edukimia, Head of Chemistry Department of Universitas Negeri Padang, and Part of Editorial Team of Entalpi Pendidikan Kimia Journal. It was aimed to grasped the submission process to be indexed by DOAJ clearly, and to self-assessed Edukimia qualification regarding that matter.

First Session from Mr Ikhwan Arief.
First Session from Mr Ikhwan Arief.

The event was starting with short opening session, consists of introduction from Editor in Chief, Greeting from Head of Chemistry Department, and prayer by an Editorial member of Edukimia. Then Mr Ikhwan Arief, DOAJ Ambassador and speaker in this event, begin his first session by presenting his presentation, regarding how to get indexed by DOAJ, and what you should or should not do.

Assessment of Edukimia in the second session.
Assessment of Edukimia in the second session.

Next, he assessed Edukimia journal based on the criteria and all of the contents available in our website. He also gave his comments and suggestions to improve the quality of this journal. Last, in the sharing session, participants present in the event asked various questions toward him. The event was lasted till noon, only. Hopefully, with this event, the quality of Edukimia could improve to next level in the near future.

Q and A session toward the end of the event.
Q and A session toward the end of the event.

Notes: Documentation video will be produced and shared here later on.