Practicality of Redox and Electrochemical Cells E-Module Based on GDL for Class XII SMA

Amanda Mareza, Yerimadesi Yerimadesi

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Teaching materials are said to be practical if the practitioners or the experts state that the developed teaching materials can be applied in the research. The purpose of this research is to reveal the practicality of redox e-modules and GDL-based electrochemical cells for XII grade of high school students. This research is a continuation of educational design research with the Plomp development model at the prototyping stage, this research was conducted at SMAN 1 Lintau Buo Utara. The data were analyzed with the Aiken V formula. The results of one-to-one evaluation showed that the e-module uses clear fonts, covers and attractive designs, the language used is easy to understand, the presentation of coherent material, videos and animations can help students to understand the material. The results of the analysis on the average Aiken V formula obtained a V value of 0.88 at the small group stage and 0.86 at the high category field test stage. This data is evidenced by the ability of students to answer questions on the e-module by 90.5 percent with a very high category. Based on the data analysis, it is concluded that the e-module redox and electrochemical cells based on GDL are practically used in the learning process with a high practicality category.


E-Modules; Guided Discovery Learning; Plomp Models; Practicality; Redox and Electrochemical Cells


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